Rate Information

Attorney W. Andrew Phipps is happy to provide the following information about his legal rates and fees. If you have any questions or concerns, call 425-688-0787 or contact us online now.

Types of Criminal Defense Cases

Washington Traffic Infractions

Total cost for infraction defense is generally $275-$350 in King and Snohomish Counties. Fees generally increase in counties outside of this area. Mr. Phipps charges $500 for Negligent Driving 2nd degree citations.

DUI Defense in Newcastle

The total cost for DUI defense can range from $3,000 to $6,000, depending on the facts and circumstances of each case and whether an expert is retained to benefit the case.

Misdemeanors in WA

Gross Misdemeanor (non-DUI) and Misdemeanor offenses generally range from $1,500 to $3,000 depending on the circumstances.

Payment Information

The Law Firm of W. Andrew Phipps is happy to accept all major credit card brands. All initial consultations are strictly confidential and completely FREE, with no obligations attached. To find out more about how we can keep your driving record clean, call 425-688-0787 or contact us online.